Multi-Professional Community Resource Team

"The Community Resource Team in Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB provide an integrated service through a single point of access. Assessment following self-referral or professional referral enables people to access appropriate members of the multi-professional team i"

Thomas Barton


"Multi-Professional Community Resource Team"
Thomas Barton

What is a Multi-Professional Community Resource Team

The Community Resource Team in Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB provide an integrated service through a single point of access.  Assessment following self-referral or professional referral enables people to access appropriate members of the multi-professional team including social care to manage complex health and care needs.  Acute responses have reduced rates of admission to hospital, while the rest of the service supports people to stay independent, focusing on what is important to them.

Urgent Care Practitioner (Nurse)

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Julie Loxton min v2

Urgent Care Practitioner (Pharmacist)

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Amjad Salhab

Urgent Primary Care General Practitioner

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Dr Benjamin Roper min